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Four questions operators should ask their POS and gateway providers to select the ideal payment solution for their business

May 11, 2017

  1. Is the gateway, and the transactions processed via the POS, a PCI-validated point-to point encrypted (P2PE) gateway that will reduce the organization’s PCI scope and costs?  A validated P2PE gateways secures card data with no impact to the transaction flow. Knowing how the card data is secured can help mitigate a data breach without Impacting guest experience.
  2. Should payment terminals be customer facing? Chip and Signature protects the merchant against most of the liability risk and allows the payment terminal to be managed by the employee. Deciding whether to configure terminals to be guest facing is a consumer experience question and the answer will depend on the guest profile and operational workflow. 
  3. How should I manage on-line payments?  Data security, guest experience and fraud risk are important factors that must be considered. Ensuring the data is secure and PCI compliant from the browser to the payment gateway is critical.  The cost of authorizing the card and the friction created when requiring a CVV number, for example, may be important when selling a gift card, but may not make sense for holding a dinner reservation. 
  4. What should I consider before implementing EMV?  What is my business risk from counterfeit card fraud?  For some businesses, the risk of fraud is low. Evaluate the risk and the needs of your specific business by understanding the guest demographic, your operational workflows and existing systems and processes. Talk with a representative for guidance.

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