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Limiting Fraud Vulnerabilities

Nov 21, 2016

As threats of fraud evolve, so too will the emergence of security standards and requirements for various terminal types, workflows and payment devices. Illicit payment device overlays are a growing problem for our industry, especially as more payment devices become increasingly guest-facing. Agilysys is proud to partner with Ingenico® to provide critical payment device security information to mitigate fraud vulnerabilities.

Download the checklist to determine if your devices have overlays.  Although the overlay apparatus looks very similar to a legitimate iSC250 device, there are some distinct differences to help identify fraudulent devices.

Examine all payment devices, even if they’re in storage. Many of the skimmer identification tips on the downloadable checklist can be applied to other devices. We recommend reviewing all devices.

If an illicit overlay is found, immediately remove the device from use and follow your existing security protocol, which should include reporting to authorities.

Prevention is key. If you don’t have one already, develop a plan to assess, as per PCI Council recommendations, your payment devices for illicit overlays on all your terminals on a frequent schedule.

Agilysys and industry partners will continue to bring you important news and helpful tips to limit your potential for fraudulent activity.

Click here to view the terminal inspection checklist.

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